Quote Originally Posted by Steve Axford View Post
Have you found a good way of keeping the images in a group? ie for HDR you need several images which essentially are components of just one image. I have never found a simple way of keeping these in a convenient group. The same applies to focus stacking where I would like to be able to call that group of images by just one name. Any ideas?
Wouldn't the filenames be sufficient?

I shoot multiple exposures when I intend to produce an HDR image.

I start with the longest exposure (which can be three or four stops over), and finish with the shortest exposure (which can be three or four stops under).

If IMG_0001.CR2 is the first of seven exposures, and IMG_0007.CR2 is the last, I can easily tell by the filenames, as well as visually (due to identical composition and exposure times one stop apart) that they belong together.