Quote Originally Posted by Ezookiel View Post
Not even in the slightest bit interested.
Don't follow any of the sports, except if there's some Rally driving on a Sunday arvo I'll happily watch that, and once a year I watch Bathurst if there's nothing better to do (like going camping). But you can definitely keep any of the Thugby type sports. Even more so since the demise of the days of genuine sportsmanship, when men had some honour and decency, and played to be the best at the sport, and if they weren't the best, they tried harder. Now the game is based on injuring the best opponent so that you are playing a crippled team, to give yourself half a chance. No honour, no decency. These people don't know what being a "Man" actually means. A true "man" could be trusted, his word meant something, and he would never have had so little common decency and ethics as to deliberately attempt to injure an opponent rather than win with skill.
Ooops. I think I've ended up on my soap box again. I'll go hide back under my rock now.
Generalising a little when you say, "Don't follow any of the sports" aren't we?

The game hasn't changed re belting the hell out of your opponent as long as i remember and that's 5 decades of watching and playing 4 decades ago. So i don't know what game you're watching. And most players are quite decent, actually, like myself, with team honour and a willingness to shed blood for your team mates. Family members whom have played for their country are decent blokes. The players i associate with every weekend are decent blokes.

The sport theses days is peachy compared to yesteryear with dangerous play being heavily penalised, unlike yesteryear with coat hangers, spear tackles and punch ups common place, though it's far more skilful with far better athletes these days with modern coaching and training methods.
