Quote Originally Posted by Bella View Post
...With the 7D my thinking was that the 10-22 would be good for the wide end, then the 24-70 for walk around, coupled with my existing 70-200 would provide a good range. ...Budget - With the 7D, I would ideally want to keep it to 4K....
7D $1200
10-22 wide $800
17-55 2.8 IS walkaround $1000
TOTAL $3000 (your original budget)

If your budget is actually 4K and you want to do night photography, suggest you add:

Quality tripod $500
Canon flash 430 II or higher $300
2 more CF cards $200 (moving animals + faster frame rates + shooting more RAW now, right? )

5D III is outside your budget, when we think of system cost. Anyhow, I reckon you actually can take better photos with a 28mm sensor than a 44mm sensor for general photography within a $5k budget, because of the better total system that can be bought.