Quote Originally Posted by Simsya580 View Post
Hi Im not sure if this is the right place for this or if it has been covered b4 but here goes, As a newbie to photography I would like a list to work from of the type of photos I should get to show off sort of like a portfolio I guess. There are the obvious ones like landscape, sunset/rise and maybe a portrait or two, But im sure there are plenty of other ones that I should have. Maybe a top 50 shots everybody should have, I guess im after a sort of list that I can work on one at a time until im happy enough to move to the next shot. Anyway hope some of you guys can help cheers.
I reckon you should do what is suggested above. Take each of the CC forums and sub forums and do a photo for each. Those forums exist because they are what people generally take photos of. If you have a go at each one you will get to try everything from Landscaps to Food (don't forget to try strobing if you have a flash) and that could make a nice little portfolio. You will probably find topics/techniques you hate and then some you love.

In fact, I think I might try this myself! I counted 23 topics to try (I didn't count the main forums that had sub forums or sundry).