Im not sure if im jumping the gun here or if I should be divuldging this info so I'll refain from naming any companies in particular(I'm sure you'll all figure it out anyway!).

I work for a major Australian electrical retailer and was very pleased to hear the following from the sales rep of one of the big two camera manufacturers.
The gist of it was that in order to combat grey market sales in Australia they would be doing everything to reduce our buy prices letting us compete with grey market importers on a more even playing field. In addition he stated that they would be doubling their warranty in Australia to two years. He also indicated that whilst they would be the first manufacturer to be doing this that he was sure that their competition would follow suit.

Now for the moment I am taking this all with a grain of salt as it is very early days and apparently negotiations are still under way, but I thought you all may be interested to here what may pan out to be some very interesting news.

Cheers Dan