Just wanted some thoughts on this one.

Townsville Enterprise are currently running a photo comp.


Terms & conditions, while not as insidious as some competitions we've seen recently where you almost have to sell your soul with the photo, they do include the following;

Townsville Enterprise and its members reserve the right to feature the submitted photographs in the organisations collateral, publications, on its website or in media campaigns for the promotion of the Townsville region. Townsville enterprise and members will include the entrant’s names to acknowledge photographs where possible.

The way I read it, the photographer is not relinquishing any IP rights on the image itself, but one does end up with the image being freely used any TE & members indefinitely.
Their goal is.... We want to see what you see, the ‘real’ Townsville Region .
While I guess you might get some fresher & more natural images than the usual staged tourism photos, they are still obviously getting a pile of images from people they can use indefinitely for the cost of a few grand in prizes.

While it is very tempting for getting my photos more local exposure, I'm not sure I'm fully comfortable with their unrestricted use of the images, especially given you may not even get credit (...acknowledge where possible??....). And if you read their annual report, there are almost 400 'members' that are mostly local businesses that can use your photos indefinitely.
But careful checking sees some of these members are the likes of Stockland, ANZ, Shell, Skilled, Castlemaine Perkins etc....

The more I look into it, the more uncomfortable I become...

What do you think?