... or humans arent necessarily humane.

just a quickly that i had to share (if only cause it p$%&@# me off).

Was out doing a little birding over the week end, pretty fruitless journey (according to my facebook status), and on the way back I notice something wriggling in the gutter. As i got closer i realised it was a young indian minah, it has a string around its leg and was staked to the ground in the sun on top of a meat ant nest... the poor thing was just about dead but must have been in agony.
Now I know they are pests and all and i know people in my area trap and kill them but how about a bit of humanity for crying out loud. wonder what sort of person does this? made me sick.
anyhow to cut the gory story short i snapped its neck to put it out of its misery.

people make me mad...