Kym - interesting comparison and I think we might be getting off the OP's original post but i think once again it all comes down to business strategy.

When you say AP - not profit it just covers costs - are you saying this is a registered not for profit business or are you saying the revenues just cover the costs (what ever you deem as costs - wages, licenses, depreciation etc).

Secondly if you compared the return on assets employed by Jetstar and AP you might find AP are in front. There are more ways to measure a business than how much revenues are generated.

Jetstar provide a service at a competitive price which you pay for - correct, but this service is provided at a competitive price due to their cost reduction model.

Ripped off is a personal opinion shared by the minority of people who enter (or dont enter) these competitions.

What is the difference to the tax department of "Limited revenues" and "Fully commercial revenues" - i work in finance and have never heard that definition expressed before?

And before anybody jumps up and down - no I dont work for Jetstar.

The bottom line is if you want Jetstar to pay for the photos be prepared to pay more for your seats when you fly anywhere - then we will have to start a whole new thread on why Jetstar went out of business.