I was looking over some of my photos for 2011 in LR and decided to have a look through what lens I had used the most. The result is more of how my style had changed in 2011 rather than a conscious decision to use one lens over another.

The results were

  1. 24-70 f2.8 38.95%
  2. 85 f1.2 26.4%
  3. 70-200 f2.8 22.18%

In 2011 I spent 3.5 months in Africa but did not take my camera with me so my 24-105 did not get used at all. In 2012 I plan to use both my 50mm and 135mm and lot more to compliment my 85mm in the style of work I now do.

I would be interested to know what is the most used lens amongst other people out there?