I'm rarely able to add anything constructive as I'm way too new to this myself, add to that the fact that there has been a bit of a trend lately to discourage too many people just saying "Nice Shot" (which is fair enough, as it is in the CC area, and "nice shot" isn't really CC), so with both those factors, and then the time of year where everyone is away, or busy with family, and you may not get too much CC at the moment. Even less if your shots are good enough that there's not much that people can add in the way of any useful CC.

I do like the idea of a "like" button now. That's a great idea. Because telling people that you like their shot is definitely constructive, as it tells them to a degree, that they're on the right track, or what they've done has worked, but dozens of "nice shot" posts makes it too hard to weed through to the useful stuff when you go back to look up the suggestions people made, or the settings they recommended. The "like" button solves both problems.