Hey guys,

I've been using Speedlights for a a lil wow now and the main thing i've realized is that speedlights just don't cut it in alot of situations... I just need more power!!!

So the next logical step for me would be Strobes.

I've been browsing the alienbee range And tossing up between a few options -


Basically i will be starting with the one Strobe and building up from there as i need/afford to.

I currently own a couple Dual layer umbrellas and a 28" Softbox with a 50" Softbox and Beauty Dish next on my purchase list.

Firstly excuse my ignorance but what are they differences between the AB1600 and EINSTEIN besides the LCD screen? I read that the EINSTEIN has better color consistency.

I would like to the ability to shoot at midday with those above modifiers so i'm guessing i will need the more powerful options ruling out the AB800?

So would the EINSTEIN be worth the extra $200? The Paul C. Buff "Aus Site" has the AB1600 priced @ $500 and the EINSTEIN priced @ $700 I will be matching the strobe with a vagabond mini.

Am i missing anything here? Any tips of things i need to know from other Alien Bee Owners