Yeah, I know, another one of 'thoes' questions. There'd have to be dozens on here already, but I just want your in-puts before I go spending money If you don't ask, you'll never know.

Okay, so, I want a macro lens that will also double as a portrait lens. Budget is flexible at the moment as I've got a fair bit of work lined up- but I want to do a course which will set me back a grand when the time comes. 'Bout $500 would be good.

I'm leaning towards the Tammy SP AF 90mm, as I've read so many good things about it. I've heard the Tammy 60mm is also pretty good. The canon 100mm non L lens sounds good to, but the lack of IS makes me a bit hesitant...Also, does anyone know anything about Yongnuo YN560 flashes? Again, I've read good reviews about them, but that's about it. Are they any good?

It seems a bit like 6 of 1, half a dozen of the other really. Apologies if I don't make complete sense, I'm pretty confused haha.