
My new Manfretto 681B monopod arrived yesterday,it is much more robust a taller than a small manfretto 676 'digi' I have on loan-and which I really never used,as it was too short for me,and was not very heavy duty.My kids used it a bit with their cam corders.

Anyhow-I got the idea this 681B was the goods at a local football field,where I work sometimes-a sports reporter has a 40D and 100-400 L and this monopod,I had a go using it and I thought the monopod might help with birding-so ordered one.

I have a Manfretto 484 CR ball head,I have attached,so really good height,more than I need, ( I am 6 ft 2 inch),so I like the good height.

I have had few goes,with the 50D and 400L,I like how it 'folds',when I want to walk around,a flick of the lever,and I can tilt the camera where I want.

Will the above kit be of benifit to birding?,is there any tips,or things I might need to keep in mind? I feel it will be a bit of time before I get the best results out of this new kit,learning how and where to hold etc,So if anyone here feels they have picked up a bit of 'learned' technique using this gear-please let us know.
