Hi all. Not sure if has come up before or not.
I would like to know how you pro’s and semi pro’s sell your images.
I understand that genres like sports, portraiture and weddings have outlets like magazines and clients.

But I think landscape images would be a different kettle of fish.
I have seen many market stalls with some TOGs trying to sell prints. But are they full time pro’s and do they have a studio with regular buyers browsing through?
I know there are some professional photographers on here that produce really good wall hangers. How do they sell those images? Do they do their own printing and framing and hang them in their own gallery for people to browse and buy? I know there is selling over the internet. But I think a serious buyer would like to know who the photographer is and is the photographer a member of AIPP.

There is also a fair few amateur/hobbyist photographers like myself that on the odd occasion (In my case very odd) that come up with that one image that would look good in a gallery, and sell quite easily.

Would some of the professional photographers that see these images on the forum offer to add that image to their gallery/studio to sell on consignment, with the image owner bearing all the costs of printing and framing up front? After all the professional photographers know what sell and what doesn’t sell.

I know this could be a difficult question. Because a pro would rather sell one of his own images before selling someone else’s image that hasn’t gone through the hard work of setting up their own business.
