I'm hoping to find a bag that will hold the following gear:

  • Canon 5D MkII with 24-105 attached
  • Canon 7D with 100-400 attached
  • Flash
  • Filters/bits and pieces
  • Netbook/iPad
  • Compartment for keys, phone, purse, snacks, etc.

I'd like to have quick access to the cameras as the only time I have to take photos during winter is driving to/from work as it's too dark before and after, plus I'd like to be able to avoid having to change/put on lenses at horse events where there's a lot of dust.

I've had a look on Cambags, but I'm still not sure if there's anything there that will work. Does anyone know of or use a bag that might be suitable? I don't mind whether it's a backpack, sling, shoulder bag, whatever - I'd really appreciate any recommendations, please. Thanks!