Hi all. I have a query I've so far been unable to find a definitive answer to, so I'm helping the kind and knowledgeable souls on this forum can shed some light for me!

I'm looking into buying the Sigma 50mm F1.4 EX DG HSM lens, but I noted in a review that 'it unfortunately comes at a cost to users of older Pentax DSLRs, as the effective 'KAF-3' lens mount specification means AF won't work on models which don't support SSM.' (http://www.dpreview.com/lensreviews/sigma_50_1p4_c16/)

I'm not entirely certain what they mean by older DSLRs. I have a K200 with a KAF-2 mount, but it's by no means 'old' - it was released the same year as this lens. So my question is - does anyone know if the auto-focus will work on my antiquated little beast?