Thanks are right about adjusting one thing in LR which only makes another worse...thats what was happening...I was trying to add more blacks into the image but only to certain areas. I will definately check out the tut on the adjustment brush...I have used it before but not that good at it!! Your edit looks has brought the sky back, made the tree have more colour and depth and I am a fan of the vignette too. Much appreciated in what you did.

Geoff....LOL....I won't get into that debate!!!

Rick....Thanks also for the certainly has brought out the autumn colours....there is so much to learn...this luckily is only down the road so I am going back this weekend to see if I can improve on it. I actually wanted to get another area up the road but as I drove past there was someone else there with a very very big lens, so I kept driving on! I want a more abstract one with the netting.

Kym....thats what I thought but unfort I only have the one image. Maybe next time.