I be a geek. Being Geeky, I like PC specs. Being Geeky, I have also found that there are 10 types of people in this world - Those that understand Binary and those who do not.

My main PC is an i7 860; 8GB DDR3; 2 x DVDRW; Geforce 8800 Ultra; Gigabyte mainboard; Win 7 64Bit Ultimate; 2 x Samsumg 24" monitors; Antec 1200 case; Logitech 5.1 spks.. Storage is:
Internal - 4 x 500GB; 1 x 1TB; 1 x 1.5TB; USB = 1 x 1.5TB; 2 x 2TB.

I also have a SBS2003 server with about 4TB of space and 2 x 2TB USB backup drives, housed in a 7 foot server rack. We run Exchange for our mail..

Gigabit swicthes

I have 2 more PC's for testing other people's hard drives etc and backing up thier data.

A Mac laptop (old)

A Windoze XP laptop

A Core 2 Duo system (3.0GHz), 4GB ram, 5800 Ultra which my son uses for his games

A P4 3.2 2Gb ram as a house PC that the Mrs uses for Myob and Facebook

6 various printers, inkjet, laser, multi's etc

A few years ago, I built a PC into a 1/8th scale model of a WRX racing car:

Geeky much??