We are going to Fiji in September, and the trip will present many great photo opportunities! One thing I would like to do while there is try some under water photography.

Thing is, I'm pretty sure salt water isn't great for your camera!! :|

I have looked at getting a water-proof housing for my 50D, but can't really justify the expense for what will most likely be a single use item. The other option I guess would be to hire one, but I think the cost for a fortnight's hire will probably get close to buying one outright.

The other option is to buy a waterproof camera, al beit a P&S. Again, I already have a P&S so would be putting cash into a rarely used item.

So, where to from here? Does anyone know of a decent quality, relatively low cost alternative? Perhaps a cheap but functional waterproof method for DSLRs <10m?
