
I have been doing more and more of this style and it's really appealing so thought I'd invest in a lens specifically for this work. I have narrowed it down to one of three due to the style I like taking:

  • Canon 135 2
  • Canon 200 2
  • Canon 300 2.8

Each has it advantages but get exponentially more expensive, so by the time I get to the 300, the arguments for need to be very convincing.

I have a choice which is leading the race but will keep that to myself for now. If there are others I have not listed that meet the basic criteria of prime, max aperture f2 (but will consider exceptions to that), min focal length 135 (so I don't want 85 1.2 suggestions as good as it is), max focal length 300 (if I want to be extreme I'll use my 600).

Would prefer advice from experience as opposed to "I heard from a friend" as I have read many reviews already, hence the list. I have also tried all but one lens for a very brief time and have gleaned an idea from that, but have never lived with any of them.