Quote Originally Posted by ZedEx View Post
I have a fella who comes into my shop and uses CF cards as his only backup source. You may think he's crazy, but he's a man who used to shoot reams upon reams of slide film, and went through the very expensive process of having our lab develop and mount them, each and every week. Putting it in financial terms, he says he spends much less on purchasing Sandisk Extreme CF cards each week than he would otherwise. He recently shot a play all the way through dress rehearsal to final night performance and shot around 20,000 images. Not something I would do, but I have also heard that CF cards are the most stable, sturdy medium to storm images on longer-term

I do think he's crazy to be honest, I cant think of any financial justification for storing images on CF cards

Just a simple $/mb equation on any level makes no sense, even if like me you have three storage areas

What if he has a fire and his CF cards are destroyed etc ?