
I am looking to upgrade my Nikon d70s camera that has served me well for the last 4 years. I have mostly been using it with my sigma 18 - 200mm lens and have been pretty pleased with that.

But as I lately have been getting into a bit wedding photography and some fashion photography for a magazine, I need an upgrade.

So while having my eyes set on the d700, I am not sure whether or not I would really need it and if the d300 could be a good enough option for me.

The thing is that while I love photography I am not very technical provident yet, as in I of course use manual settings and understand the basic of what the different lenses offer I do not understand everything. Especially not when it comes to FX, DX and the different lenses and options and so on.
This is something I want to learn more about though…

So I would mainly be using the camera for weddings, fashion shoots, some street photography, and most likely very often as I shoot a lot.

Does anyone have any opinions on what would be good options for me camera and/or lens wise?

Any input would be great!