This is something I wanted to ask, but really didn't want to get the confusion of different systems to cloud the issue. First general question would be what you have in terms of lenses. But in particular I am interested how you use these kits and what you use for particular purposes (IE if you shoot portrait or wedding what would you use of the kit you have).

My current set of lenses is run on a D300.
Sigma 10-20 4-5.6
Nikon 24-70 2.8
Nikon 50 1.8
Nikon 70-300 4-5.6 VR

I have been thinking...what is the optimal kit in terms of performance and weight for DX and Full Fram for say shooting weddings or portraits?

My feel (and experimentation) sort of suggests a Wide Zoom, A Mid Zoom, and at the top end either a fast prime or a fixed apeture zoom telephoto (IE the 70-200 models).

So as opposed to going to the full frame AF zoom kit (IE the 14-24 F2.8, 24-70 F2.8, 70-200 F2.8VR) I was thinking of maybe instead going for the 135 F2D at the long end and just keeping the 70-300 VR as opposed to going to the F2.8. I guess this comes back to uses, and what others think about the alternate approach.

The other thing I will be doing in the future is moving forward to a D700 or equiv. And another question there on the kit...does anyone run a D700 with a D300 or similar as their backup camera?

I guess longwindedly I am trying to work out the sort of people other stuff shoot weddings and portraits with, so I can go out there and experiment and build on their experiences (so basically canvas what others use and hire to try things out and go from there), and therefore determine whats right for me.

The other question of interest would be what else do you keep in your kit: Flashes etc.