Apologies to the mods if this is not the correct area.


I was a little miffed at my school (my employer is the DET) and / or the photography co. they use for the formal school photos; why? Well, yesterday, the photos were distributed to the students in a portfolio / folder with a collage of pictures of school activities on the front.

Of about 10 photos, 5 are ones I have taken of the girls doing their various activities about the school (musicals, dancing, debates etc.). No-one asked me for permission, no $$$ was offered, they did not even hint they would be used nor was I given any credit - whatsoever.

To be honest, ordinarily, I don't care... I am not out to make money from this hobby... Although this sounds corny enough to make you vomit, it is enough for me that the girls get a real buzz out of seeing nice photos of themselves (not grainy iPhone photos) that have a decent level of quality. The school prints them in the school newsletters and I see faces light up when they see nice, clear close in shots that are in focus and well lit. I don't expect the school to pay me for it out of an already inadequate budget (unless they really want to).

However, I am rather pissed this time as my photos have been supplied to a professional photography co. (who ought to know not to do this) who are charging premium $$$ to the kids and presumably making a good deal of coin out of it. I bore the cost of my DSLRs, lenses, tripods and the three speedlights that light up a crappily lit school hall - now, some photographer is using my efforts for (admittedly a small part of) his profit.


Another teacher who also occassionally brings his DSLR along had a similar thing happen a few years back when the school used one of his pics on a promotional item. As I recall, he did not want $$$, he just wanted his name credited under the pic (as you would see in the papers). He too thought, "this is not for the girls enjoyment, this is the school trying to spin money."

The response he told me he was given was that, "the pics were taken on school property, so the school can use them."

No-one particulary belives this but, out of not being bothered, the teacher dropped the matter.

So, over the weekend, I guess I need to decide whether to see the principal about this matter... (I guess the school is the responsible party as they gave over the pics). I have no intention to demand money, sue or demand a recall. I would settle for a 'sorry, Scott', followed by a promise to not repeat this.

It leaves a bitter taste in my mouth...
