Hi all

Looking for some advice on medium format cameras – for a while now I’ve been toying with the idea of trying out MF photography, and have a few questions.

Firstly, given the current state of digital technology, is it really worth delving into MF with all the associated costs of film, developing, scanning etc? Obviously a MF frame is physically bigger than a 35mm frame, digital or otherwise, but unless you’re printing big – is there any appreciable difference?

My idea is that I’d use it for landscape photography, generally where I take off in the car and have the time/inclination to set up with a tripod.

Secondly, a local shop has a Mamiya 645 Pro + 80mm lens for $650 – does this seem a reasonable price? The same shop apparently has a couple of Hasselblad 500C/Ms, but they’re a few hundred dollars more – is it worth spending the extra on a Hassie, or will the Mamiya be a good enough entry point?

Thoughts? Experiences?