Hi from dank and miserable Wellington (just thought I'd mention that to get it off my chest...).

I discovered last week that my love of using the circ polarising filter has its limits.

On my drive down to Canberra I stopped at Lake George to take some pikkies looking back across the lake to the wind farms on the eastern shore. The resulting shots were really nice - great light, stark colour contrasts, nice feeling of isolation etc. I got a little excited and then thought "this is too good to waste - I'm gonna take a series of shots for a pano."

Pano planning went well - 21 overlapping shots at 70mm in portrait mode, for a majestic 135 degree sweep of Lake George.

Took the pikkies home and proceeded to stitch them together. O Noes! I left the circ polariser on, and now the different blue depth of sky across the arc of the pano has been chopped into little pieces in the pano stitching. I now have slivers, kites and other odd patches of different blues dangling in the sky across the middle section of the pano. Despite all efforts to fix, no joy so far - the hue/saturation differences are too stark.

Moral of the story - if you're gonna do a big pano, take the circ polariser off before you start...

(I'm considering replacing the sky altogether, but that somehow feels like cheating).
