Last weekend my wife & I went to Sydney's Royal Botanic Gardens with the express purpose of practicing our photography. We came away with a small selection of landscape, wildlife and a few macro shots.

After reviewing my work, I've decided that I'm not really happy with any of the photos, except for one, which I posted on AP (Wildlife) for C&C - but of course it's not perfect (nor did I expect it to be) and others have offered some helpful comments. I've been able to identify where most of my photos went wrong - boring composition, composition almost but not quite right, exposure issues, aperture issues, etc etc.

Anyway, to get to the point - does anyone here think there's much value in us "returning to the scene of the crime (against photography)" under similar weather conditions and attempting a re-shoot? Or should we simply move on and try another location. I'd prefer the latter (and the wife would need some convincing to return as she found it quite "boring"), but if there is real merit in re-shooting then I'd consider it. Or perhaps we should return, but only after we have more experience, say, in 6 months time?
