Hi All,

I am thinking of buying a canon 16-35mm lens to do landscape work with. Haven’t done much of this type of photography before, but want to get into it more. I am struggling to understand which filter system i would use with it.

I currently have a P series cokin system with a couple of filters. When I use my 24-70 lens(77mm) at 24mm you can see some of the holder in the picture (at the sides), so it would appear to me as though the P series is not wide enough for my 77mm lens at 24mm.

When I take a look at the 16-35mm lens it has a filter size of 82mm. So would I need a Z series potentially. However, in the marketing blurb for cokin, they say about the z-series: “Recommended for focal lengths from 20mm onwards (35mm format)” - taken from http://www.digitalcamerawarehouse.co...egory460_1.htm

So I have two questions really – if I were to use a 16-35mm canon lens then would the Z Series be sufficient for 16mm pictures?

I see lots of people around the place recommend Lee filters as being better. Any opinions on if starting from scratch it would be better to go with them?

I am thinking a would be one graduated ND and 2 different ND filters to start with.

