G'day all

At the moment I am travelling thru country Qld, NSW & Vic running Digital Photo Workshops in conjunction with country town camera shops. My workshops are aimed at beginner to intermediate level, and run over a (very busy) weekend

In my off-line discussions with shop owners/managers, a common theme comes through... their "buy-price" for cameras + accessories from the major Aussie distributors is often greater than the "sell-price" for many of the Oz-wide non-photographic chain stores - you will know their names as you probably get their junk mail too

My Q: to you all is "how can we expect the "local shop" to survive?

Where will the expertise reside if they die? How can the Oz importers/distributors shut out these small businesses by their pricing? and I guess ... do you/we all want to end up purchasing our photo gear like we get bread & milk at the local supermarket where no-one cares and certainly, nobody knows that there even is a difference?

Regards, Phil