Well, you have had the chance to learn what the Aperture(A/Av) mode on your camera does.

So now we are going to look at shutter speed. For this Challenge you will need either a tripod or a stable surface to rest your camera on.

For this Challenge, set your ISO to 100 (or the lowest available), and your camera to S(Tv) mode. This mode allows you to change the shutter speed and therefore get creative with the effects that differing shutter speeds can offer Read the Learning Centre : Experimenting with Shutter speeds, to get more of an understanding of this mode.

I want you to go to a local street, and take 3 shots of cars going by. Each shot is to be taken at the following shutter speeds. If you cannot get shots of cars, find another subject that moves, and use that.

1/15th Second
1/100th Second
1/500th Second

Present your photos in this thread, and tell us your findings and what you have learnt. Remember to either use a tripod, or some sort of surface, to ensure your camera doesn't move during the shots.