In preparation of receiving me film cam, I've been reading up on the whole analogue shooting thing. Its weird cos up until high school we always had a 135 film P&S camera but its been digital ever since and I've realised I know next to nothing about analogue shooting. Anyways.. so here are just some random questions I have in regards to film that I'm confused about.

1. E6 is colour slide film and C41 is colour print film right?
Does chromogenic mean it is a slide film that can be processed using C41 processes?
So what do BW films fall under? As I understand it, most BW films are print but the process of developing BW film is different (neither E6 or C41) but there are some chromogenic BW films that you can develop with C41 process?
Do you get a BW negatives after it has been developed? How bout Chromogenic film.. still get a BW negative?
So what is BW developing called? Is there a name like E6 or C41?
What does Panchromatic mean?
I'll ignore the chromes for now cos its doing my head in.

2. Unexposed film and exposed but undeveloped film can't be packed in checked-in luggage but ok for carry on? But try to avoid too many passes through the airport x-ray scanner or it may fog, right?
Above what speed of film is it risky to take through an x-ray scanner?
Are there other factors like types of film that are more sensitive through airport scanners?
Do you put film in any special canisters when putting through airport scanners or it doesn't matter?
As far as I know, it is quite safe to buy/send film by mail.

3. After film is developed (either slide or print negatives), what is the best way to obtain a print?
To ask them to scan and print from file? (seems easier but do you loose some of the analogue-ness about the print since it has been digitized)
Print from the slide or print negatives.

4. What are good places to develop film in Sydney.

5. I live in a 1 bedroom apartment, will my gf kill me if I want to try and develop my own BW film in the bathroom?
5a. If not, where can I learn to develop BW film? The only course I know of is at ACP but that course is run on a weeknight but I usually work late... doh!!

6. What's a good place to buy film in Sydney or online. I've had recommendations for Fotoriesel.

7. When you push/pull film, you just set your ISO differently to what the film is rated at and then u ask the lab to compensate?
If so, do you guys just mark on the film canister afterwards +2 stops or something so you'll remember which roll of film you pushed and to what extent.

I've got heaps more questions but I'll stop there for now cos I think there's already too much above.