Quote Originally Posted by Kym View Post
*#That's only true for cheap fast chargers.

A MaHa C9000 charges and discharges, cycles etc. It is a true battery management system.

Fast chargers are fine ... IF they cut out before overheating or overcharging.
The C9000 is very good at that; the cells are never hot only a little warm (normal) after charging.

The C9000 lets you fully program the charge rate. So you can do a 1/10th C slow or 1/2 or higher C fast charge.
Either way the C9000 will not overcharge or overheat your cells.

Do some research. Google: Maha c9000 review

I know I sound like an advert but I have had significant experience with rechargeable battery technologies in various applications over the last 20 or so years. (RC aircraft; portable radio and computer gear (warehousing application); computer UPS etc).
I know what works; also what is myth and fact.
I didn't know there was a Maha charger with variable charge rates, that sounds like a very good idea. I had a smart charger that monitered temperature & voltage.... it still ate batteries, they were fairly warm once charged :-(

If the Maha works for you thats cool. I suspect your charger cost a lot more than mine plus an extra set of batteries so if you are organised my system costs less and still works well. I quite like having the extra batteries as backups, YMMV