I’m not new to photography but I’m new here. I have been on and off Instagram as a photo sharing medium but now permanently off. I often question why I take photos and what happens to all my images. I keep coming up with the same answers - 1. It’s an outlet for a creativity I never knew I possessed; 2. I love being out enjoying the natural environment; 3. I appreciate the blend of scientific and creative requirements of photography; 4. I get a buzz out of sharing my images with others.

It's the sharing of images and experiences I’m seeking in a photo sharing medium, and Insta is not providing me with the satisfaction it once did. Flicker is ok but I would prefer to connect with more of a local (ie. Australian) group. Hence Australian Photography Forum. Reading the introductory information I’m hopeful that I’ve found a home here.

I look forward to seeing some great photography, connecting with other like minded people, getting some feedback on my photos, and maybe even providing some encouragement and guidance to members who are new to photography.