Hey all, just a question out of curiosity.

I’ve got CS6 on my MacBook Pro and I downloaded this Nik collection a while back. The only function I use at all is the Dfine 2 for noise reduction. I find it to be extremely effective and it is a part of every single workflow I implement.

Well, it has been, but I think I’m going to have to stop using it. Why, you ask? It is constantly crashing on me.

Editing jpeg images, I can sometimes edit a dozen images before PS crashes as I try to use Dfine 2 to reduce noise.

Alternatively, and super frustratingly, it seems to be crashing every single time I try to edit a DNG file.

It usually happens after the noise has been reduced. I then go to click OK in the Dfine 2 window and instead of taking me back to my image in PS the whole thing crashes and all edits on my image are lost. If I’m just doing quick edits it’s very annoying having to reopen it all again. But if I’m doing a bigger edit on a blended landscape shot or something and it happens, my world caves in. Because of it’s frequency now I try to save a PSD file before I reduce noise, but my memory isn’t great and I don’t always do this. And it wastes more time too.

Anyway, moral of the story is I have literal hundreds of holiday photos to edit and I can’t keep doing this. Does anyone know a reason why this might be happening, and if I can fix it? Or does it happen with anyone else?

If there’s no fix (which will make me sad because it’s very good at reducing noise) what is the next best (free) alternative? Does anyone here use the noise reduction tool in Raya Pro, and if so is it any good?

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