I have an issue with "emergency exit lights" in the wrong place...

a crop from a recent photo:


Yes, I know about using my feet to change angle so that the exit isn't behind the subjects, but I had an idea about a possible way to deal with the light.

If I could get a linear polarizing film to put over the exit sign, and then attach a CPL to my lens, with the CPL at the right angle, this should theoretically "remove" the exit sign before capture, but still allow the sign to be seen?

So, 2 questions really:

1) would this work effectively?
2) Could this be done such that no fire regulations are broken?

(got the idea from the Company I work for who had a section of their Data Centre that contained computer systems from an organisation that was extremely concerned about privacy of their systems, which we installed polarizing film on the computer monitors, and on the glass surrounding the computer system, was put polarizing film at right angles to the film on the monitors which left the glass area see though so you could clearly see who was in the area, but totally blocked visibility of the computer monitors.)