Question for other Canon EOS 5D Mk1 users out there.
Do you have a firmware version/setting that allows you to save Raw+Jpg in "Full auto" mode?

Yeah, ok, sounds like a weird question as no one shoots in Full auto on a full frame
I actually shoot "happy snaps" when I don't want to think, or when I hand the camera to a friend, in full auto.
Up until now, I have been rescuing a few "full auto" images by editing the raw (cr2) photos.
This is using firmware 1.1.1. and not using Magic lantern (Even though the manual says Raw +L is not available in Full Auto, I have been doing it).

I sent my camera off for repair and they wiped my settings and changed the firmware (so it says on the invoice). So I have to setup my photo styles again, turn off the "Shoot when there is no CF card", resetup my custom button for AEB, setup ISO expansion and all the other settings I love.

Problem is, in Full auto mode, I used to save in Raw and Jpeg. Now it only does Jpeg. I know the camera manual and original firmware did not allow Raw in Full auto but I must have found a firmware that did.

I have pulled out my old photos and sure enough, the photos I shot in Full Auto have Raw/Jpeg companion photos.
(And the exif confirms it, it lists "full auto")

I have checked the Exif in the photos and they say Firmware 1.1.1 and currently I have 1.1.1 on the camera.

The photos in Full Auto mode look like IMG_XXXX.JPG and IMG_XXXX.CR2, Images taken in the other "Creative mode" have the format _MG_XXXX.JPG and _MG_XXXX.CR2.

Am I going insane and this feature was an unintended accident ?

Have I turned something on in the past that allowed this ?

I have looked through the custom features and played with sRGB and Adobe RGB etc looking for anything that might make the feature unlock.

Any ideas ?

I have just sent the repairer sample photos (jpeg and CR2) taken in full auto mode. Just to prove I could do it