Quote Originally Posted by axle01 View Post
Just picked up on this thread and I have just ordered a Sony A7s last week, I was in Bris/Syd/Mel over the Christmas and I went into every major camera shop in the 3 cities wanting to purchase one and only 1 shop had a demo one in stock, so when I came back to Townsville I approached 1 of our local camera shops and the price was cheaper than in the 3 big cities.

I am not ditching my Nikon gear to replace it with the Sony but adding it to my gear as it has very good low light and also good for astro.

I'll be using my Nikon lenses on it and maybe purchase a 55mm Sony lens for the convenience.
Just been told I'll have the A7s this week, actually 2, one I'm sending to be Astro modded and one for general photography, I also got a 55 lens a 14mm samyang and a gircular fisheye, I'm impatently waiting.