
I am a Beginner/ Intermediate photographer. I got my first SLR 2 yrs ago and have gone from shooting auto mode to shooting full time manual mode. At the moment, I shoot for hobby only although since my photos have improved I have been asked by friends and family for a photo session. I most photograph my children outdoor and indoor (candid or with studio lighting).
I currently have a Nikon D3100 and use a 35mm 1.8 lens 99% of the time. It has been great to learn on and I love it. But as I improve my skills and start to find my style I'm noticing that the cropped sensor is not working for me. It's great for up close portraits, but I hate having to back up a lot to get more in the frame. I also find i lose a lot of bokeh too. So i'm wanting to upgrade my camera body to a full frame model.
As i said, im beginner/intermediate so all of the nook and crannies of a camera are still quite new to me and i'm still learning, so i'm hoping for some recommendations. I'd like to stick with Nikon, my budget is around $1500 - $2000. Something that is good in low light situations. Can anyone help?