
I would appreciate some advise as to what has caused my photos to look "Blotchy" colour wise when you zoom in.

As you can see from the top photo (resized to 1024 x 680 in Paint.NET to meet upload conditions - original was 3216 x 2136), the photo looks reasonably ok but as soon as you start to zoom in, the colours look blotchy.

I was using a Nikon D90 on a tripod with a remote trigger. Lens was a Tamron 18-270mm F/3.5-6.3 set to Auto. Flash was a hotshoe mounted Yongnuo Speedlite YN565EX set to TTL mode with the angle of the flash probably pointing about 30 degrees towards the subjects.

The attached data says the photo was at F/14, ISO-3200, exposure 1/60 (which I believe it has to be to sync with the flash - correct?), Focal Length - 70mm; 35mm Focal Length - 105mm. I had set it to Aperture Priority as I wanted a wide depth of field as I would also be shooting larger groups which were sitting in a V shape (point of the V furtherest away) so I wanted to make sure that everyone was in focus. It was an extended family Christmas gathering and as you may know, when you're trying to do lots of different shots, the people don't want to wait whilst you adjust your camera for every shot and I'm not "professional" enough to know at a glance what settings I should be changing it to and be able to make those changes without people getting bored waiting for the photo to be taken.

So should I be going into the menu on the D90 and limiting the ISO maximum (or setting it to a specific value)?

My understanding is that if you change one thing eg ISO, then you need to change either the exposure (which can't change from 1/60 for flash - correct), or the aperture (but I needed a big depth of field), so if my high ISO, which was automatically selected, is the culprit, what settings should I have done given I'm not carrying reflective umbrella's etc.

Thanks in advance for your advice.

DSC_0116 - Copy.JPG
DSC_0116 - Copy (2).JPG