It may seem like a strange title but bare with me and it may make sense.

Got a "friend" on facebook (and I say "friend" because he is part of a group of friends, but not someone I am close with).

He has started to get into photorgraphy and gone out and invested in a mirrorless setup and seems to be plodding along getting better. Investment so far is limited, so it's not like he's invested in the top of the range glass.

Recently he posted up his website commenting on how well his photography is going with the usual support from friends and I don't have an issue with this, because that's what his friends are there to do, support him.

What concern me was a little page he had about business offering his services. The first part was less of a concern, offering his services to do club photography and hey, if people want to pay him to come to their club and take photos of people having a good time so they can post photos on Facebook, good for him, it's not exactly going to be the end of the world if it doesn't come out perfectly and I've seen enough dismal photos of clubs to know that it's probably not an event where quality is paramount.

The part that concerned me was a little piece saying "Wedding photography - coming soon".

Now, given his skill level, what concerns me is that a supportive friend or family member will see him offering the services and engage him to do the wedding.

He's not a bad photographer by amateur standards, but he certainly isn't good either. Without blowing my own trumpet, he isn't as good as I am and I wouldn't go near a wedding. He'd probably battle to win comps here in the intermediate section and I'd expect anyone engaging in Weddings to at least have a good chance of winning comps in the advanced section.

So the question is what do I do? Do I leave it alone? Wait and see if he actually starts trying to do something on the wedding side? The concern I have is that if he does actually get a wedding gig from an unsuspecting friend, it may destroy the only chance they have of decent memories on the day.