With the announcement of the D810, Nikon also announced Capture NX-D (their new free raw conversion software) release date.

July 15th is the official date for this software to be released into the wild.
My initial thoughts on this announcement was that CNX-D will get mauled by all and sundry!

I actually like the way it works in some areas, but it's dreadful in most areas .. and still so buggy in so many ways.
That is, the tools are super handy to have access too(where they aren't in ViewNX2) in a free version of software .. but the bugs are way too numerous to list in a short post .. and so many features missing from this software considering Nikon is hailing it as a replacement for Capture!

I reckon Nikon are going to burn themselves with this software, even if they have some sort of future plan to introduce a more feature rich version or add new detailed editing features into this one.
But going from the incapable workings of last version (which was beta) they released v 0.9.2 .. I can't see how they miraculously fixed all the annoyances it contained.
If they did .. they're geniuses!

My personal feeling is that they'll collaborate with the makers of SilkyPix to create a Pro version, with many of the standard features we now expect in a basic software package in the future.

Anyhow ... come 15th of July ... it looks like CNX2 is going to cease to exist.
For some of us that relied heavily on it's ability .. that basically means any new camera upgrades have to be carefully considered.
The D810 will most likely not be supported in CNX2(officially)