Hey everyone,

I'm thinking about adding a macro (micro) lens to my kit and wanted to get the general opinion of the group.

At the moment I'm considering the Nikkor 60mm f/2.3G ED. That said I'm also looking at the same in the D series. So, my question is, dollar for dollar which would you recommend? Consider the following:

I'm using a D7000. I do not plan on moving to an FX series camera in the near future and I'm thinking 60mm is a decent size on a cropped sensor.
I'd use this for macro work (of course), food and other type of creative or abstract photography.
I don't plan on macro work being a theme or type of photography I intently pursue. That said though I do want to be able to showcase good quality work in this area.

At this stage I see a couple of hundred dollars separating the two (mid $400's for the D and mid to high $600's for the G); and when I get over $500 I want to make sure I get every penny worth. Also, I'm not a purist at heart and if another lens should be considered, or even a longer focal length...let me know.

Thanks for your thoughts.
