Hi Team,
Well it is almost that time again. My 3 yearly replacement of my laptop but with a twist this time. I want to move to Apple Mac and I am thinking a macbook pro 13" screen with retina display. However I have no knowledge of the specs I need to run my system setup.

Current have Dell i& with 512 Geforece card 4 GB ram. Attached two 1 Terabyte seagate desktop drives and a 24" HD monitor. Additionally I use external wireless mouse and keyboard when hooked up at the desk.

Run Photoshop CC (Cloud member) and LR4.x along with Photomatrix, noiseware and the like.

Can I replace my Dell laptop with a midrange iMap Pro and have the same level of performance and useabitity as I currently have?

Anyone out there using a similar setup can help?

Thanks in Advance,
