Annual photobook, 200 photos mostly all jpegs taken using the auto settings.

I want to do a good job this year making the annual photobook, so I want to take the time to edit and adjust each photo, make them look their best.

I sit down with Lightroom and get overwhelmed. A combination of still learning LR4, the photos being of really low quality (great for family albums, some of them would be deleted if it weren't for the cute shot that I absolutely must-have), and finding a 'style' for my photos. I would post examples, but I am sure you can imagine dark, grainy, cluttered photos make up about half the photos.... but it was my youngest daughter's first year and I am loathe to discard any that capture her facial expressions. Annual albums are hard, you try to make it represent the children that I spent my every day with, I want to show grandparents all the range of people that they are.

Can someone be a bit critical with me. I think I am trying to turn mutton into lamb.