Hi Fellow AP members,
I recently had the experience of having a screw in Hoya HD CIR-PL filter fall off the lens and into a lake - not recoverable, and a very expensive loss. My issue with this type of filter is that if you screw it in firmly, it can become nigh on impossible to remove. Obviously, if one is 'delicate' with installing it, then the damn thing is just going to fall off

Being as how I work nights (Mon to Fri) and I'm disinclined to get up before sunrise on my days off, I do tend to want to take photos during the harsher times of day (in terms of light). Therefore, I have come to the conclusion that filters are going to be helpful to me.

I've been doing a bit of reading through the forum on filters that use a holder, and I'm leaning towards the Cokin P Series system. This is mainly based on price - I'm not sure if I'm going to like the 'holder' type system, so I don't want to over invest $$ at this stage. I know the Z-Pro are probably better and so are the Lee filters, but I'm a beginner, who has already had an expensive loss.

I'm sure there are some people who have thoughts about this filter system, and I'd like to hear them. I'm also interested in hearing any thoughts about how to make the screw in filters a bit more user friendly, then I'd consider going back down that path.

All thoughts appreciated, cheers Deb