So the last time Instagram hit the news, it was a case of We'll rob you if you use our services .... and they're in the news again.

This time it's a case of "we still want to rob you because we're using our services, but now we want to be sure you're you, and not some other ewe"

Story via a site called TPM

Basically, Instragram are locking out some users, due to some ID issues and require government IDs to allow these people back online.
I'm assuming that this issue is restricted to the US, and for what reason, who knows.

So it begs the question? Why would a simple social services site require legitimate/legal ID information .. it'd be like AP asking it's members to legally prove who they really are via official identification forms.

How do I prove that I'm AK83 .. or arthurking83 .. or even 'a mad professor' as I was once called .. none of this info is listed on any of my official ID forms.
And who on earth would provide legal and sensitive ID to a private corporation such as a social service site to begin with?
That would have to be up there with the most incompetent act of self destruction known to mankind!
You may as well just cut out the middleman here(Instagram/Facebook) and just give your sensitive details directly to the Russian/Nigerian/Chinese hacker gentlefolk!

While I doubt that FB/IG have yet to be completely hacked on a wholesale level, it won't be too long before member's details become readily available to unscrupulous eyes.
Considering the scale of the prize, they would have to be the world's number one target for unrestricted access.

See the clairvoyant with mind blowing powers!(if you haven't already, watch the video!! )