Hi All,

I'm new to this site so I hope I've put this in the right thread....

Well, ive just dropped my EOS 300D and have broken the battery door.. .

I was thinking of replacing it shortly but might need to sooner. Or would it be possible to try to find a repalcement door and muddle along a bit longer....

Now I'm really a dork shooter. I had a close friend who worked at Ted's in Adelaide but he passed away a couple of years ago. He helped me with anything with photography. Including how to take a good picture.... So without his help, i'm really only a point and shoot person. But in the back of my mind, i might actually one day open the manual and do something more creative...

So, do I try to replace the 300D with say the 1100D? I'm assuming it'll be an improvement... Or do I look for something more of the compact range... I don't want to sacrifice any picture quality though by going compact...

Price would be an issue unfortunately...

JB have a trade in offer ATM.. Any old camera, working or not..... $100 off any new Canon DSLR.. I could even trade "me olde" EOS 1000F....

As with most "good deals" there will probably be a catch.... Not sure if I can just buy the 1100D body with the trade and perhaps get it for about $300..

But If I decide to move to a compact, I'll still have the lenses from the DSLR, just the standard basic EFS 18-55mm and I'll have a couple of older EF Ultrasonics...
A 75-300mm and a 35-80mm. They worth anything at all if I try to sell them???

Could I have some suggestions if I go compact... I'd like to have some zoom capabilities.. I think nearly all camera's have some sort of movie function even SLRS?
The thought of having something more compact, being able to just put it in a pocket, sounds great... Again I don't want to lessen any picture qulaity...

Something like the Canon S110 at over $500, would be beyond my price point ATM. I had thought about a SX260?? Or am I dumbing myself down??

Or is there anything anybody else can suggest?

The trade in offer by JB ends in a day or two so I'll have to be quick if I want to use it........

Hope someone can help me with my dilemma...