Quote Originally Posted by William W View Post

When previously I answered, I understood that you were harnessing opinions and that is why you started the thread.
I also understood that you were unsure of whether the GST would be payable.
And I also know that DWI and some customers previously have got around GST: but that fact doesn’t mean that GST is not payable on a $1499.00 imported item.

So for clarity, my opinion is still – “it is a no brainer”.
You might prefer a more detailed Rationale:
1. Past performance re GST / invoicing is not a guarantee of future performance.
2. Lenses fail or need a claim of some sort: – I’ve had 1 canon lens in 15 (and one Canon camera body in six) . . . of course that’s no indication of any expected trend; the next toss doesn’t have those odds, anyway.
3. Maximum “possible” saving is $200 . . . minimum known saving is $50.
4. Point three to me is like betting 50 to win 150, that’s only 3 to 1 and still no warrantee. 3 to 1 odds to my way of thinking, is not a“good bet” in this scenario.
5. Point three could be interpreted that I will be paying either $200 or $50 for the warrantee, and those odds are 2 to 1.
6. I get a chance to spend in Australia.

On the balance of points 1 to 6, I would purchase that lens, here.
As previously mentioned, opinions will vary: and yes I understood that it was your wanting to read those varied opinions, why you started the thread.
Post #2 gave abbreviated rationale of the opinion and not intended to start a "Wages in Australia" discussion: however buying in AUS is part of my thinking - yes.


Have you bought extensively from DWI before, with goods over $999AUD? Im just curious to know.