I recently visited the World Press Photo of the Year exhibition in Amsterdam, and surprisingly they didn't mind people wandering around photographing the various winning images. I took quite a few so as to remember what they were and to illustrate to friends the various themes and subjects. Mainly I have been commenting on the relatively self indulgent nature of hobby photography when compared with the more serious side of things.

The problem I have is in the photos I have taken in terms of copyright. Obviously if I take a photo of the room with photos in it, then there isn't a problem. However, the closer I get to an image, and the more that image consumes the frame, presumably at some point it ceases to be "my photo" but a reproduction of someone else's work.

My question, for anyone to ponder, it at what point does one cross that invisible border - and at what point would it be wrong to publish it in a club magazine? Where does copyright begin and end?