Hi guys,

I have been given an opportunity by a mates girlfriend that does a lot of artistic make-up sessions. She has seen some of my other work (Not real portrait type stuff) and has asked me if I would be able to take some photographs of her work. She wants to build up a bit of a portfolio.
I won't be charging her and she has also said I can leave my watermark on the image if anyone else wanted similar work done in the future.
I think she is just looking for some nice shots for low cost. I will be passing the images by her for her opinion.

I haven't done a lot of portrait photography, but I have been interested in furthering my skills in that area.
I was thinking about using the missus for some practice shots and anyone else who is willing.

Can anyone give me some pointers on basic equipment, tips(during shooting or post-processing) or ideas.

My camera and lenses are listed below in my sig. I will be trying to use as much natural light as I can. I have also been thinking of purchasing a 50mm lens for quite a while.

Thanks so much for any help.

